Father’s Day 2012

I was recently reminded of the fact that there are quiet giants among us that we seem not to acknowledge or appreciate until they are taken from us. Claralyn and I were recently privileged to attend the viewing of one such giant, Mr. Keith Whitworth. As it is with many funerals, the initial response is to think of all of the things that you should be doing, not that it is right to pay your respects for the lives of people who have greatly impacted your life and/or for the lives of those around you. But ocassionally the right choice gets made and after a couple of wrong turns, Claralyn and I headed over the Ortega Hwy. to Sun City to participate (by observation) in the Whitworth family viewing. It was our honor to attend. We were in the presence of a giant that night. The Whit’s are a large […]

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